Wednesday, February 15, 2012


New work is in the works. That's the best I can say right now and I am chomping at the bit to get the work flowing. It will be my first new work since I had baby J whom will be a whopping one year old next week, wowness. This has been a long haul for me personally and I am ready to move on. I hate my day job, it's amazing the ripple that can cause.


Jamie S. Rich said...

I am tempted to make a video of myself doing the cabbage patch in my chair while reading this excellent news. :)

kseda said...

I'd like to see that... Really I would.
Also, I owe you some artwork for San Diego goodness.
Shall I send pictures or Just pop something in the post?

BaronVonJ said...

I hate my day job, too.