Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I originally wanted the Witch to be less Halloween witchy and more voo doo witch doctor but didn't have time to rework it. Finally I did and the result is the latter sketch. Also not happy with the original sketch of my mermaid, her arms were butt, so this is the rework for that sketch. All is coming along...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who needs sleep!?

Finally a flyer for my upcoming show for the first Friday in October, ahhh fall can't wait. Anywhoo here is the scoop: Mercy Seat Tattoo at 206 E 16th St Kansas City, MO 816 421 4833 more here.
Hope to see you there!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This design was a sweatshirt earlier in the year now it comes in a more economical size.